7 tips for remembering names as a tour guide

Do you have a hard time remembering people's names? As a tour guide, it is important to be able to remember the names of your guests. If you can't remember their names, they will quickly lose interest in your tour. In this blog post, we will give you 7 tips for improving your memory and remembering the names of your guests!

travel guide

1. Make a mental picture: The most important part of remembering someone’s name is to make an association between that person and their name. Try to make a mental image or story with the person in it and the name associated with it.

2. Repeat the names out loud: This one is simple but very effective. When you meet someone, repeat their name back to them and also use it in a sentence. This will help you commit the name to memory and make it stick.

3. Ask relevant questions: To help jog your memory, ask the person relevant questions about their life or interests that relate to their name. If they tell you that their name is John, ask them what they like to do in their free time or if there’s a hobby they enjoy.

4. Connect names with faces: Another tip for remembering people’s names is to connect their faces with their names in your mind. With the WhosZat app, the feature of capturing photos of your guests makes connecting names with faces an easy task! Look closely at the person’s features and try to remember something that stands out about them, like a scar or a mole, and then associate it with their name.

5. Use memory games: Using memory games is a fun and effective way to help you remember names. The randomized quiz feature in WhoZat is what makes this app stand out from the rest. Simply add a detail associated with the guest's photo and name such as their favorite color, food or story they had shared.

6. Keep a record: If possible, try to keep a record of your guests’ names in an organized way. WhosZat takes out all the work and organizes your guest's information, digitally! Information is now easily accessible when you need it.

7. Take your time: Finally, remember to take your time when introducing yourself and getting to know your guests’ names. Don’t rush too quickly through the introductions but instead, make sure that you have taken the time to properly learn everyone’s name.

By following these 7 tips and using the unique feature of the WhoZat app, you can improve your memory and be able to remember the names of your guests on the tour without fail. Good luck!


The different names of Santa